Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Welcome to my braces blog.

Hi there! I'm Ana and I'm also happy that you came across my blog. Let me tell you a little about myself:
-I'm 25 days shy of turning 19.
-College student
-Female (duh!)
-I've had braces for a year and two months.

So why the heck did I just start making a braces blog, almost halfway through my treatment? I have no idea. But I figured it's never too late to do anything. I do have pictures of the progress of my teeth, and I will be posting them eventually, so I hope that is interesting for you :]

Thanks again for coming, and check back soon for updates!

EDIT: I just figured out how to make a post with an older date. So that's how I will be uploading the pictures of my before and my progress so far. Cool tool! :]


  1. I'm sure your time spent wearing braces will be worth it. Nothing better than a good set of teeth !

  2. @Dentists Roseville:
    Thanks for the comment! And I agree, nothing is better than a great smile :]

  3. Hi! It's nice to know that (you seem to) enjoy wearing your braces. I m about to visit some dentists (Germantown based) to consult regarding my teeth problems. I think I'm going to wear braces. I'd be happy to share with you my experience.
